Hebei YUBO Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd. Hebei YUBO Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd.

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Differences in the Horizontal and Vertical Pressure Filter Housing

Nov. 29, 2023

Our range of filter housings offers versatility and efficiency in water treatment, catering to diverse industrial and municipal needs. The choice between horizontal and vertical pressure filter housings presents unique advantages tailored to varying flow rates and operational requirements.

Horizontal Filter Housings: Maximizing Efficiency

The horizontal orientation of these housings introduces a host of benefits, including streamlined single-person operation and the elimination of overhead hoists. They're available in single or multiple units (dual, tri, or quad systems) on a baseplate, accompanied by common piping. Crafted in diverse materials and meeting ASME code, their enclosed design and horizontal layout ensure cost-effectiveness across applications, minimizing product loss and labor demands.

Horizontal Filter Housings manufacturer

Vertical Filter Housings: Tailored for Smaller Flows

Vertical pressure filter housings excel in handling smaller flows, enclosed within vessels for granular media filtration. Their economic efficiency shines under 0.75 MGD (2.8 MLD), making them ideal for small to medium-sized plants. These vessels offer operational flexibility and modular design for easy expansion to meet increasing water demands, employing individual parallel-operating vessels for redundancy.

Vertical pressure filter housings sales exporter

Choosing the Right Filter Housing for Your Application

Filtration media selection, whether wedge wire screen, sintered filter elements, or wire mesh filters, is based on our extensive application expertise or customized per customer requests. These options cater to diverse effluent quality requirements, ensuring optimal filtration efficiency across applications like removal of TSS, iron, manganese, pretreatment for reverse osmosis, cooling tower makeup, surface water treatment, and various industrial water treatment processes.

Stainless Steel Filter Housings for Optimal Performance

Our stainless steel filter housings are designed to tackle suspended solids, particulates, iron, manganese, and other precipitates in ground or surface water. Configured to suit municipal and industrial water treatment needs, these housings boast steel pressure vessels with efficient overdrain systems for influent water distribution and backwash waste collection.

Tailored Solutions for Your Requirements

YUBOs pressure filter vessels offer a spectrum of configurations and designs, customizable to meet diverse constraints such as water quality, footprint, backwash needs, and flow requirements. Utilize stainless steel pressure filter vessels to maximize filtration area per footprint, maintain system pressure throughout the treatment process, and eliminate the need for backwash supply pumps through self-generated backwash mechanisms.

Contact Us for Industry-Leading Filter Housings

For a comprehensive range of industry-grade filter housings tailored to your specifications, reach out to us now at sales@ubofilter.com or via our contact information. Elevate your water treatment efficiency with our premium filtration solutions.

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Jinling Mansion 2 2-3-403, Yuhua Road 106-1, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei, China

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